Business/Organizations/Companies – $100/hr $50/ 30 minutes
Does your company or organization need feedback on procedural or systemic factors that may affect the mental health of your employees or target audience? Or someone to lead discussions regarding team cohesiveness, diversity, or inclusion? Business psychology is a real thing and I want to lend my services to work with companies and organizations on behavioral, emotional, and psychological elements that can and will influence their business, from their team to their consumers. Understanding how people think and the motivation behind their behavior is foundational when trying to develop a successful business and marketing strategy. What better way to optimize on this concept than to consult with a licensed mental health professional? Burn out and lack of self care or mental health management is one of the main reasons companies can’t hold on to great employees. Just as any great company has a lawyer, accountant, etc., it is extremely valuable to have a licensed therapist available to consult with and have available to your employees. I want to help you leave no stone unturned when it comes to growing your business or organization. To book please email [email protected]